Cleaning solar panels is key to their long-term performance. Solar panels should be cleaned as much as possible to avoid degradation, which can cause reduced energy production and increased maintenance costs. Here are the benefits of cleaning solar panels.
Improve Efficiency
Solar panels work by converting light into electricity. If there is dirt on the surface of the solar panel, it can reduce how much light is absorbed by that area, reducing efficiency. Cleaning solar panels reduce dust, debris, and other contaminants such as leaves and bugs, which could further reduce efficiency. If you keep up with regular maintenance, you will also eliminate any buildup of dirt or dust on the surface of your solar panels that would otherwise continue to reduce their efficiency over time.
When you purchase a solar panel system, you usually get many years of warranty coverage for it — usually around 25 years or more — but this coverage isn’t always enough if something goes wrong with one of your panels during this period (e.g. if there’s a power outage). By regularly cleaning your solar panels, you can extend this warranty period even further and ensure that if anything goes wrong with them during this extended period, they will still be able to provide energy for your home.
Increase Durability
Cleaning your solar panels will help them last longer and increase the lifespan of your system. You can also apply some cleaning products to ensure they’re protected against dust and debris that might cause damage over time. In addition, you can use these products in cleaning jobs outside the house since they’ll work just as well on other surfaces such as wood, asphalt, and concrete.
Improve ROI Time
One of the main benefits of cleaning your solar panels is that it will improve your system’s return on investment (ROI) time. When purchasing a solar panel system, many factors go into deciding which one is right for you. One thing that should be considered is how long it will take before you start seeing a return on your investment. Cleaning solar panels gives you an added advantage because they can reduce the time needed to see results with less work required than if they weren’t cleaned properly in the first place.